The world is a canvas for our imagination.

Henry David Thoreau.


TypeScript is a statically typed language, that is transpiled into JavaScript so it can run in all environments that support Javascript. As we will see in this book, TypeScript is definitely a language that enables us to effectively tackle many of the challenges we face when we are building large scale JavaScript applications.

I hope that you will have fun learning TypeScript and enjoy translating your ideas into delightful interactive programs!


This book is dedicated to Anders Hejlsberg whose early work on Turbo Pascal and Delphi and subsequent work on the CLR and C# and TypeScript has been a great inspiration and education for me.

Request for feedback:

Please drop me a note, if you have any comments/suggestions. I would like to improve the material and your feedback is invaluable. You can leave your feedback in the discussion section. Thank you.

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